In 2010, Sandeepa Dhar made her cinematic debut in Rajshri Production’s Hindi film Isi Life Mein opposite actor Akshay Oberoi. Her performance was well received, earning the actress a best newcomer nomination at the Star Screen, Filmfare and Stardust Awards. Taran Adarsh praised her performance in the film saying, “Sandeepa Dhar is another talent that catches your attention.”
Sandeepa’s upcoming films include ” Gollu aur Pappu” produced by Viacom 18 co starring Kunal Roy Kapur and Vir Das of Delhi Belly fame. She has been signed for a 3-film deal with Viacom 18.
Sandeepa is currently playing the female lead in an international musical called “West Side Story” produced by the Australian Dance Theatre(ADT). Her character name is Maria who is a hopeless romantic and an innocent Puerto Rican young girl. She falls in love with Tony and finds herself at the centre of the violent conflict between the two gangs. The musical is inspired by Willian Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet. So far the musical has been staged in eight countries which include Japan, Philippines,Indonesia,Australia and New Zealand with over 100 shows.
Sandeepa has a unique dressing style & she loves fashion. In an exclusive fashion interview with us, she has revealed all her style secrets.
People know me as : Sandeepa Dhar
Age : 27
Profession : Actor & Dancer
Contact / Follow Me : Instagram
One word that describes me best : Passionate
As a person I am : Positive
Fashion to me is : Confortable in what you are and what you wear.
My sense of style : Classic & Minimalistic
Style Icon : Audrey Hepburn
Dream Ramp walk for which designer : Sabyasachi & Manish Malhotra in India & Victoria’s Secret in abroad.
Dream movie to work as a lead actress : Any film by Sanjay Leela Bhansali or Raju Heerani
One thing that makes me feel sexy : Red Lipstic
5 wardrobe essentials : Good pair of jeans, white shirt, little black dress, jacket & a nice swimwear.
My ideal outfit for a fun party : Ripped denim with a crop top and sneakers.
For formal work setting : Pencil skirt with a crisp shirt.
For casual day out with friends : Denim shorts with ripped tshirt and sneakers.
For a hot date : Fitted black dress.
Fashion trend I cannot stand : Velvet fabric outfits.
Brands / Designers you wear : I love everything from the luxury designer labels like Armani & Gucci to street wear and fashion brands like Zara & H&M
Favourite shopping destination : London ❤️
A Perfume I swear by : Chanel No.5
Favorite Lingerie brands, colours & styles : Victoria’s Secret. I love pop colours and nude colours sometimes. I wear almost all the styles.
One makeup product you can’t go out without : My Lip tint.
One message to the world : Life is not a coincidence but a reflection of who you are so look good & stay happy.